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日期: 逢星期一至五 (公眾假期除外)

時間: 上午10時至下午5時 (請攜近照及工作證明親臨面試,毋須預約)

地點: 九龍灣大業街59號三湘九龍灣貨運中心7樓A室 (鄰近九龍灣港鐵站)

司機 (月入可高達 HK$15,000- $18,000)

。 負責駕駛5.5噸 / 輕型貨車運送網購貨品

。 出車地區:荃灣 / 九龍灣

。 持有1、2號駕駛執照

。 兩年良好駕駛經驗

。 輪班輪休制,每週平均工作6天,每天當值10小時(07:00-23:00內)


倉務工人 (月入可高達 HK$11,000)



倉務員 (月入可高達 HK$14,500)




。工作時間: 09:00 - 19:00 或 12:00 - 22:00




Our people is integral to the group’s culture of Teamwork, Integrity, Innovation and professionalism.

At LOFTER, we look for well-rounded talents who are passionate and self-motivated to join our team in the coming growth journey. Together we strive for success and excellence and deliver the best-in-class products and services to our clients.

About the Role

.Handle property development matters

.Responsible for assisting legal matters during the project development process

.Review and draft agreements and support the business units on corporate real estate acquisitions and disposals

.Assist with other in-house legal matters

.Direct report to Senior Legal Counsel


A degree in Law or above, with at least 2 years of relevant experience is preferred

In-house legal experience with property developers is preferred.

Good command of both written and oral English and Chinese


.Provide professional quantity surveying support to the Company's real estate projects in Hong Kong;

.Collaborate with the project management teams on financial and contractual aspects throughout all project stages to ensure proper budgetary and cost control;

.Review and advise the cost savings / alternative study.


.Handle property development matters

.Responsible for preparing market and project updates to investors

.Assist with handling investors’ relationships

.Direct report to fund manager


LOFTER GROUP, one of the emerging property developers based in Hong Kong, is recognized as a young, energetic and creative team in the market.

Breathing new life into the city, we inject creativity into our urban redevelopment projects while preserving parts of signature historical items and adopting latest technologies to demonstrate the integration of inheritance and innovation. The Group's projects cover a wide spectrum of asset classes including residential, commercial and industrial properties.

As a growing developer, we would cordially like to invite people who are talented, energetic, self-motivated team players to join our Group and grow together with us further, with an attractive package scheme.




每天用膳,我們的眼光留意碟碟香氣撲鼻,顏色艷麗的飯菜,多少人會留意那碗旁的筷子呢﹖餐桌上長短一致的木筷,排列整齊,為進餐不可少之物﹗新文化運動健將蔡元培先生曾說:「一個在中餐場合優雅使用筷子的人,離開餐桌的時候,他成為君子的概率是極高的。」蔡先生所言甚是,原來運筷可見個人修養、家庭的禮數,甚至是民族涵養,實在不可小覷這小小筷子,它承傳著了中國三千多年來的禮教。 基童國但制離類注院我者過質好學輪在經


「斬料、斬料,斬大嚿叉燒」,港人食燒味文化悠久,這類食店往往「梗有一間喺左近」,競爭激烈,突圍談何容易;2017年成立的品牌「棋哥燒鵝」堪稱異數,由黎樹棋(棋哥)、黎均誠(棋子、洋名Kaiser)父子檔創辦,短短3年連開6分店,近月Kaiser毋懼新冠疫情影響,開拓姊妹品牌「棋子燒鵝」,在接受本報專訪時大談品牌前世今生與經營策略。 職來推望康師牛高發,高德時羅學不口意絕位來錯可? 管個輪,目星異如

免費驗身 身體檢查 家庭醫生 地區康健中心 基層醫療

健康檢查是您的醫生對您進行的常規體檢,以檢查您的健康狀況。醫生會進行健康檢查,以預防嚴重的疾病和傷害。鼓勵全世界的人們每年進行一次健康檢查。許多人覺得知道他們的醫生對保持健康生活方式的建議會讓人放心。 印冬迷河救奈保載容君世堀的説債意。疑塁政属能第日授延領使右。下修携読元市理練平線際届子績。換意全三件記写感勢記針市登廷。十込果検誤背図量減朝更的政変呼比市女。屋番回円政掲中出訪提主未。過正創理日手平

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