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Shell EV charging

Mr Gilbert Ho, Head of Estate Department of St. Teresa’s Hospital, said: “We are glad to help tackle climate change by using high-quality biodiesel and nature-based carbon credits from Shell.These principles, together with our Code of Conduct, apply to the way we do business and to our conduct with the communities where we operate.The first ever Shell Recharge site is located in Green Code (1 Ma Sik Road, Fanling) at the second floor of its parking lot.It remains our endeavour to collaborate with the government and other stakeholders to realise the city’s goal of net-zero carbon emission,” said Emily Leung, General Manager of Mobility, commenting on the expansion of Shell’s mobility offerings in Hong Kong.To address St. Teresa’s Hospital’s aspiration for decarbonisation, Shell introduced Shell B5 biodiesel to power its boilers. The boilers produce steam for medical equipment sterilisation and for hot water supply.It also plans to open its first on-site EV charging facility at its new Airport Cargo Station in Q1 2022, making it the only mobility solution provider in Hong Kong to own an EV charging network covering both on-the-go (filling station) and destination charging facilities (off-site/carpark).Lofter Group

Powering Progress sets out Shell’s strategy to accelerate the transition of our business to net-zero emissions, in step with society. It is designed to integrate sustainability with our business strategy.Today, we continue to build on these foundations while driving change across the organisation to help society meet its most pressing challenges, including those related to climate change, the environment, diversity and inclusion, and human rights.By doing so, we are using carbon-neutral fuels to operate our boilers, which is a big milestone on our sustainability journey.”The newer EV models can even be charged in 25 minutes. Shell Recharge at Green Code is powered by HALO, an innovation and technology company funded by Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks. HALO is committed to developing a complete EV charging and management system, to provide EV drivers a more convenient and superior charging experience.We aim to provide more and cleaner energy solutions in a responsible manner – in a way that balances short- and long-term interests, and that integrates economic, environmental and social considerations.Shellʼs experts were also on hand to help the Hospital set up a close monitoring protocol during the fuel transition period, inspecting the filters on a weekly basis for any clogging from deposits.Shell Hong Kong Limited (“Shell”) strives to be a trusted partner to its business customers and satisfy evolving energy needs of businesses across different industries.St. Teresa’s Hospital collected the used cooking oil at the Hospital’s canteen and passed to the biodiesel manufacturer.BentallGreenOakHankow Road

Schroders CapitalApart from providing a reliable supply source of feedstock to biodiesel users in Hong Kong including the Hospital itself, this recycling act also strengthened the Hospital’s vision in sustainability.“The launch of our first-ever EV charging facility is a testament to Shell’s commitment to Hong Kong’s decarbonisation journey.These vehicles could be recharged at private charging points or more than 4,600 EV chargers available for public use across the city, operated by more than 10 EV charging service providers including utility companies, car manufacturers, and site landlords.Tsim Sha TsuiWith its foray into EV charging, Shell is uniquely positioned to cater to the growing trend of EVs in Hong Kong.As a leading player in our sector, Shell welcomes any opportunity to contribute our expertise in energy transition to accelerate the adoption of low carbon transport in Hong Kong and help the city achieve its net-zero carbon emission goal.”Besides using Shell biodiesel to reduce its CO2 emissions, the Hospital also purchased carbon credits through two Shell’s NBS projects to compensate its unavoidable emissions.Our strategyOur efforts are informed by major international agreements and initiatives, such as the Paris Agreement and the UN's Sustainable Development Goals.




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